Sponsor A Reach In Now Peer Support Room
When you sponsor a Reach In Now Peer Support Room, you will help us provide real-time quality peer support and community ambassadors to people in crisis.
It takes an incredible amount of time and effort for us to find, train, and manage peer supporters and community ambassadors who can provide assistance to the people in need who use the platform that we have partnered with to provide peer support - Reach In Now (www.ReachInNow.com)
Each room in the mobile application is designed for individuals struggling with a particular issue to get support related to their unique situation. As such, we need to find and train individuals to support each room, who have in-depth knowledge and expertise related to each room.
You can choose to sponsor an existing room, or work with us to create a new room and provide the marketing and outreach to help provide support to a new group to support a passion project of your own, or another nonprofit or cause that you are a part of. Not sure? Contact us at hello@desertrosecares.org and let's discuss!